Welcome to Second Avenue Commons.
A place where those experiencing homelessness can find the help they need. A collaboration of four entities – Pittsburgh Mercy, UPMC, Allegheny County Department of Human Services, and Second Avenue Commons Inc. – have come together to serve those who are without permanent, stable housing.
Here you will find shelter access for adults and their partners, pets, possessions, an engagement center, supportive case managers, and healthcare.
A Place to stay
Year-round Emergency Shelter and Seasonal Winter Shelter
Medical Services
UPMC Clinic Care
Engagement Center
Support and Services
our goal is simple.
Provide a safe, supportive environment for adults experiencing homelessness to connect to the resources they need to move toward permanent housing.
What does Second Avenue Commons Offer?
24/7 Access Shelter
92 beds in group sleeping rooms with dedicated personal hygiene facilities, space for pets, laundry, meals, and storage facility. Additional space to accommodate 40 people during winter months.
Engagement Center
A warm, welcoming environment that encourages individuals to become more deeply connected to available supports and services and provides a hygiene center, mail pick-up, and laundry facilities.
On-site UPMC Clinic
Physical and behavioral health services including drug and alcohol support.
Central Location
An easy-to-access hub in the heart of downtown Pittsburgh, conveniently located near several major bus lines.
Common Questions
View Our Other Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Where is the commons located?
A: The Commons is located at 700 Second Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219.
Q: Who is the shelter designer for?
A: The Commons serves anyone over the age of 18 in need of shelter. Partners may stay together, dogs and cats are welcome, and possessions may be stored in the facility’s secure storage units.
Q: Who is the shelter NOT designed for?
A: The Commons is not suitable for families. Households with children are better served at other shelters. Call us or come in and we can connect families to more appropriate services.
Q: What services does The Commons offer?
A: We offer 24/7 everyday access to our shelter, Engagement Center, UPMC clinic, and private, permanent housing. There are diversion services, housing-focused case management, collaboration with DHS’ Coordinated Entry System, and meal services. Wi-fi, laundry and other amenities are available here.
Q: How many beds are offered at The Commons?
A: We offer 95 beds, with space to add 40 additional beds during cold weather months.
Q:What is the UPMC Clinic?
A: The UPMC Health Center is staffed by UPMC with physical and behavioral health services.
Q: What are the single occupancy rooms?
A: SRO Units are currently unavailable. More information will be available in the future.
Q: What is the Engagement Center?
A: The Engagement Center is where people can sit down and rest, with showers, laundry facilities, charging stations, coffee, computers, and Wi-Fi.
Q: When can I use the facilities?
A: The Shelter is 24/7. Clinic and Engagement Center are open Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm.
Q: Is the Commons ever closed?
A: The facility is open to Shelter and SRO residents 24/7 every day of the year.
Q: Can my partner come with me to the Commons?
A: Couples are always welcome to stay together in the bed or private room that is best for them, provided it is available.
Q: Can I bring my pet?
A: Dog and cats are welcome to stay with their owners. View our Pet Policy.

700 Second Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15219
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